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Inodorina for dogs

Inodorina for dogs

Inodorina is the brand that cares about the health care and disinfection of your pet, and also provides a pleasant fragrance lasting, and neutralizes odors facilitating coexistence.

We offer the broadest range of fragrances in the market. We use traditional elements of human and cosmetic argan oil, aloe vera and chlorhexidine, which has disinfectant. 

All products are developed and manufactured in Europe, to ensure quality and safety. Try our products and you will notice the difference.

Subbrands of Inodorina - dogs


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6 products in 1 pages
  • Published by Sara B. on 14/03/2022

    As always a nice product, the best wipe's brand

  • Published by Sara B. on 14/03/2022

    As always a nice product, the best wipe's brand

  • Published by Sara B. on 14/03/2022

    As always a nice product, the best wipe's brand

  • Published by Sara B. on 14/03/2022

    One of my favorites

  • Published by Paul G. on 09/05/2018

    Makes the dogs smell nice !

  • Published by Paul G. on 07/07/2017

    Nice pleasant aroma which is easy to apply and which lasts a while on my dog. Great to remove that wet doggy smell.

  • Published by Martine J. on 28/03/2015

    Smells sublime, smell lasts a long time, removes cat urine odours and cleans the floors streak-free!

  • Published by Robert R. on 18/11/2013

    Everybody happy at home ... no more dizzy smells !! I can´t bathe my dog every week although it´d help too. Fast shipment !

  • Published by Steward F. on 18/11/2013

    Finally something it works !! Stinky Fred is no longer so stinky ... downgraded to "a bit smelly" fred

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